Goalball Western Australia

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Welcome to the most electrifying, energizing and empowering sport called GOALBALL.

Image shows a player throwing a Goalball during a game

Goalball is a fast-paced, dynamic team sport designed specifically for athletes with visual impairments. Invented in 1946 to help rehabilitate visually impaired veterans of World War II, the sport has grown into an internationally recognized Paralympic event that showcases both physical prowess and mental acuity.
Played on an indoor court with tactile markings, the objective is to throw a ball embedded with bells into the opponent’s net while defenders use their bodies to block the ball’s passage. All players wear blindfolds to ensure an equal playing field, requiring them to rely on their senses of hearing and touch to navigate the court and locate the ball. With its unique blend of skill, strategy, and sensory awareness, Goalball offers a thrilling athletic experience that is as exciting to play as it is to watch. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete looking for a new challenge or someone who wants to experience the camaraderie of team sports, Goalball offers an inclusive and empowering environment for people of all ages and abilities.

Become a member or a volunteer and be a part of something special that transforms lives.